Who We Serve
Who We Serve
Glenwood Academy focuses on providing services for the entire family. Over 150 children, ranging in age from 7 to 18, attend Glenwood Academy. All students arrive with a minimum of 3-4 ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences), including abuse, neglect, and household dysfunctions such as mental illness. These experiences directly affect the child’s ability to learn and grow emotionally and establish healthy relationships. Our Clinical programs help families process and work through negative experiences, increasing prospects for a positive future. Nearly all our students live at or below the poverty line.
Glenwood Academy is not the last resort for “bad kids,” but rather, the first choice for scholars and tomorrow’s leaders who will make an incredible mark on this world.

Glenwood Academy students cannot be successful if the family is not involved. We support over 650 students and family members each year, by wrapping services around not only the students, but the entire family. Counseling services, psychological care, and vocational training are provided to our families and caregivers by the Glenwood Academy staff.