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Our Programs

The programs offered at Glenwood Academy provide the framework for a successful future by removing multiple barriers to individual success through not only academic education, but also mental and physical health services, social and emotional development, safety and support, housing and advocacy creating an opportunity for entire family systems to thrive.

Over 650 Children and Family Members Served Each Year

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illustration of women holding hands of two children while walking
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Nearly 100% of our students are at or below the national poverty level.
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92% come from a single-parent household.
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100% of parents feel that their children are safe at Glenwood.
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illustration of women running with giant light bulb and a man sitting on a bench reading
99% of students report feeling supported in their academics.
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99% of students feel they have meaningful relationships with peers and teachers.

100% of our 8th grade students successfully graduate and are prepared for high school.
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100% of our students that graduate our high school program go on to college or the military.

illustration of two graduates throwing their mortar boards in the air
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Nearly 100% of our students are at or below the national poverty level.
illustration of a two story school
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100% of parents feel that their children are safe at Glenwood.
99% of students feel they have meaningful relationships with peers and teachers.
illustration of adult help a child with their backpack
illustration of adult help a child with their backpack
illustrated girl carrying an oversized book
100% of our students that graduate our high school program go on to college or the military.
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illustration of women holding hands of two children while walking
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92% come from a single-parent household.
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99% of students report feeling supported in their academics.
illustration of women running with giant light bulb and a man sitting on a bench reading
illustration of child holding an oversized pencil
100% of our 8th grade students successfully graduate and are prepared for high school.
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illustration of two graduates throwing their mortar boards in the air

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